#DemocracySausage: The Election Day BBQ

#DemocracySausage: The Election Day BBQ

Election Day is rolling around... You've got a captive audience at your school throughout the day, so what can you do to fundraise for your P&C?

The Ultimate Guide to the Election Day BBQ

Don't forget to grab your #DemocracySausage Poster / Facebook Image. Credits to @SchoolPonytails appreciated
  1. Find out if your school is a registered polling place, and how many voters are expected.
  2. Contact your local AEC office to see if there's any paperwork required for running an event during the election (e.g. Sausage Sizzle). There may be a form that needs a signature from the Principal. Ask if they can pop your fundraiser details on the "where to vote" website.
  3. Think about opportunities: are you saving for a School camp? Leavers' festivities? New playground? You may be able to get different groups involved with volunteering (e.g. the student council, parents, etc) dependent on the purpose of your fundraiser.

The Sausage Sizzle

Plan your day, and your volunteer requirements:

  • AM Bacon and egg rolls
  • PM Sausage sizzle
  • ALL DAY (8am - 4pm): coffee van (or hire a coffee machine) and cake stall

How much food will I need?

  • Sausages: 13 serves/kg (75g/serve).
  • Bacon: 20 serves/kg (50g/serve).
  • Eggs: 2/3 ratio to number of bacon serves.
It's suggested that for 400-600 sausages, you'd need 25-35 loaves of bread (or the equivalent number of rolls), plus 10kg of onions, 5+ litres of sauce, and 200+ drinks (water, cans of soft drink, etc).
All of these examples come from real schools, but are just a guide. Please be sure to do your own research too! 

    Real life experiences:

     # of Voters Bacon & Eggs Sold Sausage Sizzles Sold
    700 100 150 (4kg onion)
    1100 195
    1200 140 (75% had eggs)
    1500 585 (9kg onion, 16 loaves)
    1800 170 300
    2500 200 650 (15kg onion, 30  loaves, 100+ rolls)
    3000 96 200 (and 100 cupcakes + 50 scones)

      How much should you sell them for?

      Let's use the local Bunnings store as an example. They usually charge $2.50 for a sausage, and $1.50 for brand name drinks. Bacon and egg rolls are a good deal at $5. 
      Consider your demographics when it comes to pricing - the point is to sell out! 

      How many volunteers do you need?

      1. 1-2 on the BBQ
      2. 1 taking orders and handling cash
      3. 1 assembling and serving the food
      4. 1 on drinks
      5. PLUS separate cake stall and coffee station

      Other considerations:

      • Consider buying pre-sliced frozen onions.
      • Ask for your buns to be pre-sliced.
      • Avoid cream on cakes - you won't need to worry about refrigeration!
      • When you're pricing, charge full dollar amounts (or 50c) where possible - this reduces the amount of change you'll need to carry.
      • Get a Square reader to process card payments. Ask in our online community for a registration code that will give you $1000 fee free processing.
      • Sell off any unused meat. You'll avoid wastage and get a bit extra in the till.
      • A suggestion for your float: $200 float = 4x $20, 4x $10, 6x $5, 20x $1, 20 x $2 coins, 20 x 50c.
      • Don't forget a donations/tips tin: no one likes change jingling in their pockets, so encourage them to donate it to your cause instead!
      • Health and safety: chat to your canteen manager, and consider things like disposable gloves, closed shoes (no thongs), shirts (no singlets), and tieing back long hair.
      And make sure you put the snags ON TOP of the onion...

        While you're in fundraising mode:

        Another absolute no-brainer fundraising opportunity for schools is to FUNDRAISE WITH BOWS.


        School Ponytails supplies uniform bows and carnival gear from our Australian store, around the world. We also operate the multi award winning Fundraise with Bows program. 


        There's no risk or cost to the P&C when you register to Fundraise with Bows.

        Find out more.


        - Nicola @ School Ponytails
        Last updated May 2023
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